30 N. Gould Street, Suite 6843, Sheridan, WY 82501, USA
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+1 844 307 2500

Answering Service

Enhance customer experience with 24/7 live phone assistance. OnCalla delivers uninterrupted support for your clients.
Boost your local business with OnCalla's answering service. Our live operators provide 24/7 support, ensuring uninterrupted communication for your customers. From taking messages to dispatching via text or voice, we tailor our service based on your instructions. With OnCalla, stay connected with your clients around the clock, no matter where you are.
OnCalla offers a comprehensive virtual office solution tailored for businesses. Beyond 24/7 live answering services, we provide local and toll-free number options, cost-effective voicemail solutions, and state-of-the-art IVR systems. Our skilled receptionists can manage emails, internet faxes, order-taking, and even live chat interactions on your website. We seamlessly engage with your customers across various platforms, including social media like Twitter and Facebook. Plus, with our mobile app, you can easily access your account, listen to messages, and monitor usage on-the-go, no computer required.
For every customer you have, OnCalla Answering Service is essential.
Countless individuals benefit daily from the dedicated call center support provided to local businesses by OnCalla. Our commitment to exemplary live phone assistance ensures that businesses can consistently exceed their customers' expectations, even outside regular hours.
While the industry average stands at a 70% answer rate, we proudly boast an 86% rate, a significant 16% above standard. The industry also sees a 33% nationwide turnover for customer service reps, but ours is just 14%, reflecting a 19% advantage.
Every day, we manage between 5-12 thousand inbound calls, both from domestic and international corporations, with the capability to address over 20,000. Our dedicated team meticulously reviews more than 2,000 calls monthly to uphold our remarkable call quality.
Our extensive experience across varied sectors, such as real estate, healthcare, dental, HVAC, legal, limousine services, and property management, to name a few, offers invaluable insights into effective practices.
From small businesses considering us as an alternative to cell phone services to significant corporations integrating us at executive tiers, OnCalla Answering Service remains a favored choice. Regardless of your business size or needs, partnering with OnCalla is a testament to your unwavering commitment to your customers. Experience simplicity and excellence with OnCalla.
24/7 Support Answering Service
In today's round-the-clock society, offering 24-hour support isn't just a luxury - it's a necessity. Traditional business hours are a thing of the past; customers now seek the flexibility to connect whenever it suits them. With our 24/7 live answering service, you can offer continuous support, acting as the primary or backup line for all inbound queries.
Our team ensures a smooth experience for every caller, emulating the very essence of your brand. With customized call scripts aligned to your organization's tone and practices, most customers won't even realize they aren't talking directly to someone in your office.
After Hours Support Service 
Need assistance once the workday wraps up? Our after-hours service is both adaptable and efficient. Whether you're heading off for a vacation, finishing up for the day, or need consistent out-of-hours support, we're here. Our dedicated team ensures that you never miss a chance to gain a new customer or assist a current one, even while you're recharging.
Maintaining work-life equilibrium is paramount. Let our expert virtual receptionists handle your calls, ensuring consistent quality while your team enjoys their downtime. Activate our service when you leave, and switch it off once you're back. We've got your back, ensuring your clients are always cared for.
Bilingual Support Service 
With the increasing cultural diversity in the United States, bilingual support isn't just an added feature-it's essential. Don't let language barriers deter potential customers. If a full-time bilingual assistant isn't feasible for you, our services offer the perfect solution.
Our team members are proficient in both English and Spanish, helping with orders, appointments, or general inquiries. This not only widens your customer base but also enhances your brand's reputation, leading to more satisfied customers and increased referrals.
Overflow Call Handling Service Every minute counts. Show your customers that you value their time with our call overflow service. Eliminate the outdated practices of letting calls go to voicemail or making clients wait on hold. With our services, you can guarantee every call is answered promptly.
Plus, think of the increased productivity! Your team can focus on core tasks without constant phone interruptions. Whether it's a surge in calls or ongoing distractions, our service ensures impeccable customer service with every ring.
Appointment Coordination Service
A packed schedule is often a sign of a thriving business. However, managing these bookings can become cumbersome. For a seamless connection with clients, without compromising in-person service quality, our appointment coordination service stands out.
We can effortlessly integrate with your current booking software or offer tailored scheduling solutions. Especially catering to healthcare professionals, our services align with HIPAA regulations. Regardless of your industry, rely on our specialized appointment service for flawless management every time.